Church Charter

This is to certify that on the 15th day of May 1853 we the presbytery constituted a united Baptist church in Tarrant County State of Texas denominated the Beare Creek united baptist church of Christ.

After conversation with the Brethrens and Sisters whose names is annext

We are satisfied that they are sound in the faith once delivered to the saints and believe it is for the glory of God and the advancement of The kingdom of our heavenly Master that they wish the church organized.

We have read their letters and the articles of Faith and Rule of Decorum upon which they united and find them in accordance with the Gospel and the members orthodox.

We therefore pronounce them a church with all the Rules Ordinances and Priviledges of the Gospel.

J. M. Myers, Pres.

Jehu Fyke

(Names of members) that went into the constitution

Alexander Dobkins
Maryann Dobkins
B. F. Crowley
Edna Crowley
Isham Crowley
Almeda Crowley
Richard Crowley
Elizabeth Crowley
Mary Crowley

The above names all went into the constitution

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These minutes have been transcribed as they were written in the Bear Creek Missionary Baptist Church minutes in 1853.

Transcription by George T. Crowley, Jr.  © 1996.

Arrangement of Amazing Grace © 1996 by
Split Infinity Music.

Page Design by Pat Crowley, © 1997 to present.