My Older Cats Society Page!

OCS Banner by GiGi

The Older Cats Society is an Independent group open to all cats who are at least nine years of age. Our current co-leaders are Spike Brewer and McGee. Spike and her sister Sasha assisted Blackie Jamison before he retired in September, 1999. At that time, Spike volunteered to lead OCS. Sasha served as OCS webmaster until she went to Rainbow Bridge. Their younger sister, Sammy, was a member of the Junior Support Group. The JSG members offered advice and encouragement to their elders and they also participated in our monthly activities. Although the JSG is no longer active, we appreciate the contributions that they made.

ocslevel clear In January 2002, OCS was a featured CLAW Guild. During the month, all visitors to OCS were invited to participate in activities which are normally restricted to members only. OCS members receive points for participating in OCS activities and events. These points determine our membership level. I am currently at the Philosopher Level.

Each month, our activities and discussions are built around themes that challenge us to use our imagination and creative skills. We began the year by "Chasing Away the Winter Blahs." clear You are My Sunshine! What fun we had hunting for sunshiney faces and working to solve the monthly puzzle! Some of our talented members wrote poems and created graphics that lifted our spirits.

In February, our thoughts turned to love. Some of our creative members made beautiful Valentines and others shared their favorite love songs and contributed to a romantic chain story. As we marched into a new season, we began mewing about "Spring Fever" and participating in a list of new activities, including puzzles and games.

Our theme for April was "Memories." We Older Cats have a vast store of memorable experiences and we enjoy mewing about them. In keeping with this topic, some members made scrapbooks and created pages to display their OCS mementoes. Our remembrances of friends at Rainbow Bridge was the foundation of May's theme, "Dealing with Grief." Spike asked me to prepare a brief tutorial, Creating a Memory Page. This is a subject that is dear to my heart and I hope the tips, suggestions, and examples will be helpful to others.

I solved the puzzle!clearNow that summer is here, we are mewing about our gardens. We are also having a Flower Show in connection with the CLAW County Fair. You are invited to view all the displays and tour the members' virtual gardens. You may also vote for your favorite entry in each category. The Fair is open to all kitties and admission is free.

One of my favorite activities is the monthly chain story. It is interesting to see what twist and turns the story takes, as each kitty adds to it. Lloyd, former co-leader of OCS, created a permanent page for each chain story when it was completed. He dedicated the first one to Blackie, former leader of OCS. Each story after that is dedicated to one of our members who have gone to Rainbow Bridge. Lloyd made that journey in December 2001. McGee, one of three kitties that Lloyd's family adopted from Melrose Humane Society, is carrying on this tradition.

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A different member is featured in the Senior Spotlight each month. This is a wonderful way to become better acquainted with our friends. I was honored to be in the Spotlight in May 1999. In addition to the current Senior Spotlight, you may read previous ones in the OCS archives and the OCS Memory Book in CLAW Library.>

Many OCS members participated in the original Purr Scout Adopt-a-Kitty program, co-ordinated by Patches Jezebelle. Some of us made special pages for our GrandKits and we all enjoyed telling each other about their achievements. My GrandKitties are Brother Oswin, Toby Manchester and Simon & Pepper Poisson. Please visit my GrandKits' Page and I'll tell you why I'm so proud of them. At present time, a new Adopt-a-GrandKit program is in progress. This is a wonderful opportunity for OCS members to share experiences with a younger kitty.

Tucker B. Smith and I became acquainted through our membership in the Older Cats Society. Our friendship gradually blossomed into love and in November 1999, Tucker formally proposed to me. Who says that love is only for the young? Many of our friends from OCS attended our wedwink which took place on February 14, 2001.

Please click on my membership card to see
my 2000-2002 OCS mementoes and awards.

My OCS membership card


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Before my friend Noelani Misty "BabyCat" Milliken went to Rainbow Bridge, we had the pleasure of editing the Older Cats Society Memory Book, which is now in CLAW Library. It contains a sampling of our past activities, including Senior Spotlights, Showcases, and Biographies. I hope you will enjoy reading the book!

We honor the memory of our Rainbow members with tributes on the Older Cats Society Candle Page.

Rainbow Candle

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  The Older Cats Society is an Associate member of CLAW.

Proud CLAW Member

Featured CLAW Guild

Visitors welcome!


Shibui's CLAW Page   Shibui's World   OCS Mementoes and Awards

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OCS Awards & Prizes created by
Sammy and Spike Brewer

OCS Banner designed by Gigi

Victorian Elegance

OCS pages designed by Shibui
©2000 to present by
Pat & The Crowley Cats