Sadly, many of our favorite tribute pages are no longer available.
Although invalid links have been removed from this page,
related photographs remain in honor of friends at the Bridge.
BFCC Memorials
Tributes to Queen Bitsy by:
Queen Elizabeth and the Highlander Cats
Boomer's Memorial Page
by Carla
Queen Claudie
Memorial to Queen Claudie
by ClydeSight2.0!
Clyde Big Paws - a tribute by Henry of the BFCC
Clyde Big Paws Memorial Web Site
A Flower for Clyde Campaign
Created by Sir Triffan Gentlecat
A Tribute to Daisy
by Princess Polly
Tributes to Doris Edwards:
Queen Elizabeth and Nancy's Memorial
A Tribute by Pat & The Crowley Cats
Doris Edwards' Memorial Chapel
and tributes to her Rainbow Angels:
Bitsy | Hootie | Poppy | Tuzi
Memorial to Drew
at ClydeSight2.0! by C.H.U.
Tributes to Henry Von Tudor by:
Katzenberg Memorial
by Diane
A Tribute to Monday
by CatAnna
Portrait of an Angel
Poetry & Prose
by Terri Onorato
Gabrielle David's
Rainbow Bridge
Memorial to Sammers
by Princess Polly
Your Essence
A poetic tribute
by Mark A. Dye
In Memory of Sebastian Pyewackle
by The Crowley Cats
And Then There Was Shannon
A Celebration of His Life
by Franny Syufy
Memorial to Shannon
at ClydeSight2.0! by C.H.U.
Tribute to Smokey Girl
by Barb
A Summer of Goodbye
written for Tigger and her family
by Wallie Miranda Milliken
Memorial Page for
Captain Tik Tok McDougle
by Trish
A Memorial to Tripod
by Fran
Links to memorials, tributes, and Purring Paws pages
created by Older Cats Society members and their families:
Because I knew Thee....
In Memorium
Forever Memorial Gardens
Tribute to The Unknown Kitty
Including links to Our Friends,
The Rainbow Bridge, and Words of Strength
by Baby Bird
by Baby and Caroline Price
by Ms Kitty (Missy), KiKi Noel, & Calli
suggested by
BabyCat Milliken & her Family
"CandleSong" was composed especially for A Candle in Memory
by Gert & Eddie of ClydeSight 2.0!
This special mewsic was sequenced by CHU, Clyde's Human Unit.
©1999 ClydeSight 2.0!
Clyde Big Paws, Feline Unit 236.8v2
"Clyde Big Paws--Keeping the Memory Alive"
Rainbow Angel courtesy of ClydeSight2.0
Rainbow Candle & Candle Pages
©1997 to Present by
The Crowley Cats
Updated December 15, 2009