Older Cats Society Candle Page

Rainbow Candle

This candle is lit in remembrance of members of the Older Cats Society who have preceded us to the Rainbow Bridge. May their wisdom and courage continue to enlighten and inspire us.

~Table of Contents~

Page I
Page II

Anemone Dawn
Bon Bon
Bridget & Conor
angel and kits

Charlie Murphy
Chata Gai
Cindy Pietrowiak
Jennie Pietrowiak
Missy Kitty
Papa Akenaten Grey

Page III
Page IV

Sasha Brewer

Slofje Maessen
Taffy Botz
Tinker Fischer

Our goal is to make a tribute in honor of every OCS member, past or present, who goes to Rainbow Bridge. Until these members' tributes are completed, their names will remain on this list with links to special memorials or personal web pages, if available. Please notify us, if you know of any other OCS members whose names should be added.

Plato 10/1/1984 - 12/17/2001
Charlie 11/6/1985 - 12/18/2001
Cinder Osito Puddin d. 2002
George 1987 - 2/20/2002
Thomas 1987 - 2/20/2002
Bam Bam 9/6/1982 - 5/6/2002
Flop Honan 7/26/1991 - 6/5/2002
Shetoo 1987 - 7/1/2002
Princess 1982 - 7/2002
Miss Betsy Ross 12/31/1986 - 7/12/2002
Baby Bird 5/18/1987 - 7/22/2002
Toby LeCompte 6/5/1986 - 9/5/2002
Midnight H 10/31/1992 - 9/6/2002
Genghis Khan (GK) 1985 - 9/13/2002
Sunny Crisler 1989 - 10/26/2002
Elizabeth QE2 4/21/1985 - 11/5/2002
Jasper Kitty 11/1984 - 12/15/2002
Buffy 4/25/89 - 12/30/2002
Tootsie 1987 - 11/4/2002
Emitu Gerry Milliken 1991 - 1/15/2003
Mini Meow 1984 - 3/6/2003
Whiskers 1/26/1986 - 3/2003
Tucker B. Smith 1/1/1988 - 4/2/2003
Gigi 4/1/1988 - 7/23/2003
Bini 3/19/1986 - 10/11/2003
Shibui 6/1/1986 - 10/27/2003
Patches Jezabelle 4/15/1984 - 11/2/2003
Guyee 10/1987 - 11/2003
Benz Serius Fullerton 12/8/1993 - 11/16/2003
Jason Smith 8/1/1990 - 12/5/2003
Conor Dalton 9/10/1989 - 12/6/2003
Sam 10/5/1989 - 12/9/2003
MGD 4/1/1993 - 12/18/2003
Lincoln d. 12/2003
Abigail Meyer 4/5/1984 - 12/29/2003
Jessie Blyton 12/25/1988 - 3/3/2004
Pupa Muma Aamose Grey Milliken 7/15/1985 - 3/12/2004
Tippy d. April 2004
Snow-on-Paws Ling Grey Milliken 3/11/1991 - 5/22/2004
Mysty Hall d. 6/10/2004
Rambley-Bambley Hatshepsut Grey Milliken 3/11/1991 - 8/7/2004
Peregrine Noel Milliken 7/4/1989 - 10/26/2004
Bubba Taylor 11/28/1988 - 11/18/2004
Baby Price 3/17/1990 - 1/13/2005
Tiger Magnificat Grey Milliken 3/11/1991 - 4/27/2005
Bigfoot 1989 - 2005
Garfield 1985 - 2005
Gingercats 6/1/1993 - 4/11/2005
Dobbin 5/1/1986 - 6/4/2005
Spike Brewer 3/1/1989 - 7/1/2005
Lil'Bit 3/17/1989 - 7/11/2005
Kiki Noel 7/5/1989 - 10/05/2005
Ringtail Reeve 12/23/1989 - 12/12/2005
Dr. Watson 2/16/1988 - 12/2005
Mewsette 4/4/1986 - 1/17/2006
Murphy Murdock 3/12/1991 - 2/18/2006
Molly Poisson 7/20/1992 - 4/3/2006
Myste 8/7/1988 - 7/29/2006
Fleabag 9/1/1993 - 8/22/2006
Queen Midnight 6/24/1993 - 2006
Levi 12/1/1990 - 5/4/2007
Maxwell Poisson 3/15/1993 - 4/14/2008
Twist 5/1/1988 - 8/2/2008

by Mewsette

Angel Kitty clear When a kitty is gone from us,
It feels so hard to be apart.
So we must watch and listen for
The signs they are not gone to start.
And feel the furry little wings
Make tiny flutters in your heart.

Special thanks to the members of the Older Cats Society and other friends for their contributions to this memorial. Appreciative purrs to Mewsette for permission to add her poem Wings to the Candle Page.

Photographs, essays, and poems on these memorial pages belong to the families and may only be used with their permission.

~Older Cats Society Chain Stories~
Dedicated to OCS members who have gone to Rainbow Bridge.

Index to Candle Pages | Memorial Links | Next

Older Cats Society

"CandleSong" was composed especially for A Candle in Memory
by Gert & Eddie of ClydeSight 2.0!

This special mewsic was sequenced by CHU, Clyde's Human Unit.
©1999 ClydeSight 2.0!
Clyde Big Paws, Feline Unit 236.8v2 1990-1997

"Clyde Big Paws--Keeping the Memory Alive"

CatStuff Graphics

OCS Candle Page designed by Shibui
Rainbow Candle ©1999 to present by
Pat & The Crowley Cats

We periodically check links on our web pages and remove any that have expired.
If we have removed one in error, please let us know and we will restore it.

Updated November 16, 2009