Lil Willie

Willie thinks Lil looks gorgeous in her lace trimmed brocade gown. So do we!

Felice Sami

Felice and Sami are wearing their finest fur coats.

Daenida Milliken 'Bella Milliken

Daenida: I hope I can find Cookie in this crowd.
'Bella: Don't worry; he'll find you. I hope Frenchie gets back from the ranch soon.
He's going to teach me how to dance the Fandango.

Scratch Tiger Magnificat Milliken Rambley-Bambley Milliken

Scratch asks Tiger and Rambley-Bambley if they would like to dance with him.
How could the twins possibly refuse a catsome gentlecat like Scratch?.

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~Background by Shibui~

~"Carioca" arranged and sequenced by Gerald Ross~

© 2001 to present by
Pat & The Crowley Cats